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295 stories to read now

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by Izzy
Found in Winter Blessings
by Izzy

The Gold family was so poor they didn’t have candles for Chanukah, not even a dreidel for the children to play with until … a duck came a tap – tap – tapping at their door in the middle of winter and with a beautiful brass dreidel on his beak. A miracle … who knows … but the Golds had a Chanukah complete with dreidel games and potato latkes.

From the book, “WINTER BLESSINGS” – available on Amazon, audible and more. Links to purchase at Izzy Abrahmson is the author of The Village Life series, and a pen name for storyteller Mark Binder.

Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5
8 Pages
Categories: Hanukkah, Jewish
by Louisa May
Found in Cricket Magazine Vol 2, Num 3, Nov 1974
A lovely look at a 19th century farm Thanksgiving as only Louisa May Alcott can do. When Farmer Eph and his wife have to leave suddenly for a family emergency, the girls decide they are perfectly capable of cooking a Thanksgiving meal. Between mixing up ingredients and quantities, their dinner looks fine but the taste brings about good-natured humor from their parents and the relatives they brought home.
Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5
11 Pages
Categories: Family, Historical Fiction, Thanksgiving
by Louisa May
Found in A Fireside Book of Yuletide Tales
by Edward
A young girl learns the true meaning of Christmas when her mother arranges for her to be the Christmas Angel at the local orphanage.
Grade Levels: 4, 5
15 Pages
Categories: Christmas, Family, Female Protagonist
by Leonora
Found in The Hamish Hamilton Book of Magical Beasts
by Ruth
The mother of the loveliest rat daughter decided her daughter must marry only the greatest husband so they set out to arrange a marriage with the sun but the sun said the clouds were greater, and he said the wind was greater…
Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5
4 Pages
Categories: Fantasy, Mythical Creatures
by Janet
Found in Cricket Magazine Vol 17, Num 1, Sept 1989

For generations, Clara’s family has guarded the keys to the seasons, opening each season at just the right time. But now Clara’s grandmother is deathly ill and she thinks that if she hides the key to winter, her grandmother will live forever in autumn.

Grade Levels: 5
6 Pages
Categories: Autumn, Christmas, Fantasy
by Cecilia
Found in Cricket Magazine Vol 49, Num 9, July/Aug 2022

Catalina, daughter of the mechanic at the Cerro Tololo observatory in Chile, dreams of becoming an astronomer. Unfortunately everyone just considers her a nuisance, that is until she saves an astronomer after a tragic fall and prevents serious damage to the telescope. She is rewarded by the astronomer’s offer to help her with scholarship forms to the best schools in Chile for young scientists.

Grade Levels: 4, 5, 6
8 Pages
Categories: Astronomy, Female Protagonist, Latino, STEM
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by Irving
Found in A St. Nicholas Anthology: The Early Years
by Burton
Young Willie can’t fathom why anyone would like geese but he does like Mother Tipton, the local goose-woman. When he accompanies her on her journey across the bay to sell her feathers, they are overtaken by a fog and driven far off coarse. Mother Tipton’s skill and the instincts of the geese steer them safely to dry land, giving Willie a new respect for Mother Tipton’s gaggle.
Grade Levels: 5, Adult
5 Pages
Categories: Adventure, Female Protagonist, Historical Fiction
by Diane
Found in Cricket Magazine Vol 31, Num 2, Oct 2003

After Daniel’s and Joseph’s pa died at the Alamo, the boys joined Sam Houston’s brigade to fight for Texas independence. After Santa Anna’s surrender, Sam Houston passed around an ear of corn from their meager supplies and encouraged each soldier to take a kernel home so that they could cultivate the arts of peace as nobly as they had mastered the arts of war.

Grade Levels: 5
5 Pages
Categories: Historical Fiction, War
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by Sharon
Found in Cricket Magazine Vol 30, Num 7, March 2003

Gyffes Llaw is the finest shoemaker in Wales and the Princess of Wales goes barefoot for lack of good shoes. Well, as you might guess, Gyffes Llaw wins her heart while making her shoes.

Grade Levels: 3, 4, 5
5 Pages
Categories: Folk Tale
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by John Kendrick
Found in The Second St. Nicholas Anthology
by Henry Steele
A young boy visits a department store where everything is paid for in time but is disappointed to find that the owner of the shop across the street, Mr. Procrastination, has picked his pockets clean.
Grade Levels: 3, 4
16 Pages
Categories: Fantasy